RadarURL Teaching Learning With ICT: 03/20/13

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

International Seminar English Teaching Materials - Review

Hello my dear readers of my blog.

too bad I forgot to bring my camera so I just take this photo from my instagram._.

In this post I want to share my experience when I joined a seminar in my town. The topic of the seminar was “Local Values in English Teaching Materials (Curriculum 2013 Perspective)”. It was held in Grand Mahkota Hotel Pontianak, March 16th 2013. My impression of the seminar is AWESOME! It was a great experience to be there due to many knowledge I get. I want to share a little bit from one of the presenter on the seminar. There are two things that made it special, first is the speaker who is native speaker and the second is the place which is very cozy. The committee was doing very good job to bring an inspiring person, Joshua Yardley, MA. He is a lesson planning and classroom management expert (hehe I’ve  just googled it). The only thing about his personality I could get on his presentation is “He likes teaching so much”. Well, to be honest I just don’t remember what exactly his occupation but he is in English Teaching and Learning World that has many experiences of teaching in some countries. He joined English Language Fellowship and has already sometime stayed in Banda Aceh. I was so amazed in his presentation and I even recorded it with my phone (just because I was afraid to lose something hehehe).

From the main presentation which was presented by Joshua, I got many knowledge related to Teaching Learning English that will be very useful for my future as an English teacher (amin).  The presentation was begun with the illustration about the effectiveness of materials for instruction. The more materials presented by teacher, the better for the instruction because they have positive correlation.  But Joshua showed a new perspective of teaching. It started with Dogma 95 which is about film by Lars von Trier & Thomas Vinterberg and came to Dogma Elt by Scott Thornbury. The content of Dogma ELT is “Teaching should be done using only the resources that teachers and students bring to the classroom – i.e. themselves – and whatever happens to be in the classroom. If a particular piece of material is necessary for the lesson, a location must be chosen where that material is to be found.” From this dogma, it is clearly shown that the most important in teaching learning is the students and how we could bring them to the more interesting teaching learning process by materials that is about themselves. According to his that related teaching and psychology by a simple question “How are you today?” with a notebook and a pen we – as a teacher – can make materials which is more authentic and more interesting for students – because it is about themselves. I was explained a new approach – maybe for me – Language Experience Approach. First step they create a story in their mother tongue then the teacher or peer helps to translate so that students can learn based on their own story. I think it was worth to try for my future students and I will analyze how are students’ response about my teaching method. In that occasion, blogs and phones also shown as good media for teaching and learning process. For example, blog is a good media for the introverts and intrapersonal students. That is absolutely true because I am an intrapersonal and I like blog very much! Hahaha. There are also several website that Joshua shared for us, next time I will try it one by one and make a special posting on this blog. By the way I have tried the feature of www.wordle.net that provide us to copy and paste a writing or a address of a website and create a “word clouds”. It will show us the most often uses word on our writing or website. These are the example of my personal blog and this blog. You must try this! :D

this blog. cool, eh? haha
this is from my personal blog :D