RadarURL Teaching Learning With ICT: 03/05/13

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Idioms Drill (2) - Let Bygones Be Bygones



A: What’s become of Edith Jones? I’ve lost track of her.
B: I don’t know and frankly I don’t care. The last time I saw Edith she said something that rubbed me the wrong way.
A: Really? I took it for granted that you two were very good friends.
B: We were – until I got tired of her remarks.
A: Oh, come on. Let bygones be bygones. Life is too short to stay angry.
B: well, maybe.
A: I’m sure Edith would like to renew your friendship. Meet her halfway.
B: I suppose you’re right. Okay, I’ll turn over a new leaf and try again. As you say, life is too short to stay angry.

Idioms Drills (1) - Under The Weather



A : It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go for a walk.
B : I’d like to but I feel under the weather. I think I’m catching cold.
A : You’d better watch your step then. A cold is no fun.
B : I suppose it serves me right. I went outside without a coat last night.
A : You know the best cure for a cold, don’t you? Take it easy and drink lots of liquids.
B : I’ll do that. I don’t want my cold to go from bad to worse.
A : You’re right. It could easily develop into flu if you’re not careful.