RadarURL Teaching Learning With ICT: Tumblr - One of The Great Microblog

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tumblr - One of The Great Microblog

 Who doesn’t know Blog? For those who active in virtual word may very familiar with this word. IMHO, Blog is one of the social media that almost has complete features among others. It has so many functions and considerable as an easy social media to be learned in self-taught way. According to Wikipedia, Blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting discrete entry (“post”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). The word of Blog itself has already been in Oxford Dictionaries. Blog, as a noun, is a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. Blog, as a verb – blogs, blogging, blogged – is adding new material to or regularly update a blog or if the word of “blog” followed by object, means write about in a blog. In my own experience in blogging, I often some word with the root word is blog, such as blogsphere (the atmosphere of existence of blog), blogwalking (visit some random blog), blogger (person who blogging), and etc. Actually it is little bit difficult to define what blog is in words if you have already sunk in blogworld for quite a long time, all I know that blog has contribution changing my life.
Blog becomes more popular in 1999 in which some hosted blog tools been released. Bruce Ableson launched Open Diary in October 1998, which soon grew to thousands of online diaries. It innovated the reader comment, becoming the first blog community where readers could add comments to other writer’s blog entries. In March 1999, LiveJournal was released by Brad Fitzpatrick. Then, Andrew Smales created Pitas.com in July 1999 as an easier alternative to maintaining a “news page” on a Web site, followed by Diaryland in September 1999. And the most popular one is Blogger.com which launched by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) in August 1999 then was purchased by Google in February 2003.

As time goes by in the popularity of blog, the we came to the “microblog” which is the instant form of blog. The examples of microblog are Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. Microblog is created for those who don’t have enough time to maintaining words, photos, sounds, and video in a post of blog but still have intention to share with other people in virtual. In this post I will share about Tumblr.

Tumblr is one of easy microblogging. It was created in 2007 by David Krap
Tumblr divides some features in one instant post. We can post anything like Text, Audio, Video etc. 
Just like Twitter, Tumblr also provides us to "reblog" which means posts other people posting to our site. 
Tags feature makes us easier to find specific topic such as Photography or Comics. 
Many people in different age have joined Tumblr, now it's your turn! 
Here is further information about Tumblr. Enjoy :)

Go to the www.tumblr.com and press Sign Up button.

You have finished the process of signing up. Now let me show the part of the dashboard.

One by one instant posting on Tumblr.


Following is the other part besides the Dashboard.


Well those are the general part of Tumblr. You can join that site.
Feel free to ask or comment here :)

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