RadarURL Teaching Learning With ICT: Idioms Drill (2) - Let Bygones Be Bygones

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Idioms Drill (2) - Let Bygones Be Bygones



A: What’s become of Edith Jones? I’ve lost track of her.
B: I don’t know and frankly I don’t care. The last time I saw Edith she said something that rubbed me the wrong way.
A: Really? I took it for granted that you two were very good friends.
B: We were – until I got tired of her remarks.
A: Oh, come on. Let bygones be bygones. Life is too short to stay angry.
B: well, maybe.
A: I’m sure Edith would like to renew your friendship. Meet her halfway.
B: I suppose you’re right. Okay, I’ll turn over a new leaf and try again. As you say, life is too short to stay angry.

lose track of someone, something: stop having information about
Example: I’ve lost track of my old army friend, Carl. I have no idea where he is now.

rub someone the wrong way: irritate others with something one says or does
Example: Henry isn’t a very diplomatic person, he’s always rubbing other people the wrong way.

take something for granted: without giving it a thought, assume that something is a certain way
Example: Excuse me for not introducing you to Kermit. I took it for granted that you two knew each other.

let bygones be bygones: forget and forgive unpleasant happenings of the past
Example: Karen decide to let bygones be bygones and not say anything about the way Alice spoke to her last Tuesday.

meet someone halfway: compromise; come to an understanding with someone when opinions differ
Example: Chuck has definite ideas about things, but he’s not unreasonable, he always tries to meet you halfway.

turn over a new leaf: make a fresh start
Example: On January 1, many people turn over a new leaf and make New Year's resolutions to live better lives.

Source: Idiom Drills for Students of English as a Second Language by George P. McCallum, 1983


  1. hEy!im George from the UK!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))) good work Westi!!!!! Keep it up :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Wow cool! Thanks for reading and comment here, George. Its nice to know a native speaker is here :D

  2. Idioms. That's great! I don't know what to say. But... great! Haha. Peace sister.

    1. you've actually said something bro hahaha
      thanks for sparing your time on my blog, :D

  3. hhaha love this post.. cute westi its really help me :)

  4. thankyou happy, somehow these idioms is quite common :D
